
Contributions to the code and documentation are welcome from all.

Repository layout

Repository layout




The cellhub Python module which contains the set of CGAT-core pipelines


The cellhub tasks submodule which contains helper functions and pipeline task definitions


The latex source files used for building the reports


Python worker scripts that are executed by pipeline tasks


The R cellhub library


R worker scripts that are executed by pipeline tasks


The documentation source files in restructured text format for compilation with sphinx


The compiled documentation


Configuration files for example datasets


Conda environment, TBD



Style guide

Currently we are working to improve and standardise the coding style.


  • Python code should be pep8 compliant. Compliance checks will be enforced soon.

  • Arguments to Python scripts should be parsed with argparse.

  • Logging in Python scripts should be performed with the standard library “logging” module, written to stdout and redirected to a log file in the pipeline task.


  • R code should follow the tidyverse style guide. Please do not use right-hand assignment.

  • Arguments to R scripts should be parsed with optparse.

  • Logging in R scripts should be performed with the “futile.logger” library, written to stdout and redirect to a log file specified in the pipeline task.

  • Otherwise, to write to stdout from R scripts use message() or warning(). Do not use print() or cat().

Writing pipelines

The pipelines live in the “cellhub” python module.

Auxiliary task functions live in the “cellhub/task” python sub-module.

In the notes below “xxx” denotes the name of a pipeline such as e.g. “cell_qc”.

  1. Paths should never be hardcoded in the pipelines - rather they must be read from the yaml files.

  2. Yaml configuration files are named pipeline_xxx.yml

  3. The output of individual pipelines should be written to a subfolder name “xxx.dir” to keep the root directory clean (it should only contain these directories and the yml configuration files!).

  4. Pipelines that generate cell-level information for down-stream analysis must read their inputs from the api and register their public outputs to the API, see API. If you need information from an upstream pipeline that is not present on the API please raise an issue.

  5. We are documenting the pipelines using the sphinx “autodocs” module: please maintain informative rst docstrings.

Writing pipeline tasks

Helper functions for writing pipelines and tasks live in the cellhub.tasks module.

In cellhub, pipeline tasks are written using the cellhub.tasks.setup module as follows:

import ruffus
import cgatcore.pipeline as P
import cgatcore.iotools as IOTools
import cellhub.tasks as T

PARAMS = P.get_parameters(....)

@files("a.txt", "results.dir/my_task.sentinel")
def my_task(infile, outfile):
    '''Example task'''

    t = T.setup(infile, outfile, PARAMS,
                memory="4GB", cpu=1, make_outdir=True)

    results_file = outfile.replace(".sentinel", ".tsv.gz")

    statement = ''' python
                    &> %(log_file)s
                ''' % dict(PARAMS, **t.var, **locals()), **t.resources)


As shown in the example, the following conventions are adopted:

  1. The task output is an empty sentinel file. It will only be written if the task returns without an error. This ensures that the pipeline does not proceed with partial results.

  2. An instance, “t”, of the cellhub.tasks.setup class is created. Based on the arguments provided, it is populated with useful variables (see above), including the parsed resource requirements. By default, the class constructor will create the output directory (if it does not already exist) based on the outfile name.

  3. The stderr and stdout are captured to a log file. By default t.log_file is populated with the outfile name with “.sentinel” replaced by “.log”.

  4. The statement is substituted with variables from the PARAMS, t.var and locals() dictionaries as required. Note that variable names must be unique across the dictionaries provided.

  5. The resources needed are passed to as kwargs via the t.resources dictionary.

Cell indexing

  • Tables of per-cell information registered on the API must have columns “barcode” (for the original Cellranger assigned barcode, “-1” suffix not removed) and “library_id”. These two columns are used by to join the tables in the database.

  • Downstream of fetch_cells, when cells are aggregated across libraries, we use unique cell identifiers made by combining the barcode and library id in [AGCT]-library_id format (with the “-1” suffix now removed from the original barcode). The unique cell identifiers are used to populate the anndata.obs.index and the “barcode_id” column in tsv files where needed.

Yaml configuration file naming

The cgat-core system only supports configuration files name “pipeline.yml”.

We work around this by overriding the cgat-core functionality using a helper function in cellhub.tasks.control as follows:

import Pipeline as P
import cellhub.tasks.control as C

# Override function to collect config files
P.control.write_config_files = C.write_config_files

Default yml files must be located at the path cellhub/yaml/pipeline_xxx.yml

Compiling the documentation locally

To be described.